A következő 6 REACH útmutató már nemcsak angolul érhető el, hanem magyarul is.
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1. Part A: Introduction to the Guidance Document Provides an introduction to the guidance for conducting the chemical safetyassessment and preparing the chemical safety report for substances manufactured orimported in a quantity of 10 tonnes or more per year.
2. Part D: Exposure Scenario Building Details how to develop exposure scenarios and related exposure estimation.
3. Chapter R12: Use Descriptor System Gives a brief general description of identified uses and how to give exposure scenarios a short title.
4. GUIDANCE ON REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBSTANCES IN ARTICLES This document assists producers and importers of articles in identifying whether they have obligations under REACH.
5. GUIDANCE ON REGISTRATION This document describes when and how to register a substance under REACH. It consists of two parts: one on Registration tasks and obligations and the other on the preparation of theRegistration Dossier.
6. GUIDANCE FOR DOWNSTREAM USERS – LINGUISTIC UPDATE PUBLISHED IN THE INTERNET This document describes the roles and obligations of downstream users, and advises them on how to prepare for the implementation for REACH.